Redemption RSPS Wiki
Combat Level 225
Hitpoints 700
Slayer Level 1
Aggressive No
Attack Style Melee
Attack Speed Monster attack speed 5
Max Hit Unknown
Weakness Melee
Always Drops Charms
Examine It's a Scorpia.
Scorpia is one of many NPC/Bosses that are located in the wilderness. To get to Scorpia talk to The Crazy Old Wizard who is located North-West of ::home, he can be found at the end of the North West Path in the Thugbob building. You also need to have 65 million coins in your pouch to teleport there.
For this NPC the armour recommended is Torva, Pernix or Virtus armour. If you got better armour you can wear it too. But BEWARE! because this NPC is in the wilderness. If you have a fast hitting weapon that is not on the ::oplist pray Soulsplit (92 Prayer required) as well as Turmoil (95 Prayer required). Be careful as Scorpia will poison you.

It is recommended you use an ak-47 as it is one of the only fast hitting weapons allowed in the wilderness. But beware of Pk'ers.

Since the Scorpia is a boss, it is included in the Soul System, converting all common and uncommon drops into souls. The Scorpia, along with all other NPC's in Redemptionrsps, drops the Infinity Key and immortal stone fragments 
Possible Loots
Item Quantity Rarity
Scorpia Soul Scorpia Soul 1 - 10 Always
Infinity Key Infinity Key 1 Uncommon
Gold Chain Gold Chain 1 Very Rare
Scorpia Egg Scorpia Egg 1 Very Rare